Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Days!

I am sorry to all my blogger friends I have been extremely busy dealing with school work but now that I am available I would like to say: Today has been the second day I had not had school because of the snow which they canceled school yesterday because it was unsafe for the buses to drive safely. Today school was canceled because it was also unsafe because it was extremely icy. Tomorrow school is canceled because some of the roads are going to re-ice again over tonight so we will have to make up Monday on January 17. We will have to make up today on February 18. And tomorrow has to be made up on February 21. Now we don't have any teacher work days until April 19, 2011 which is my spring break. I will be going to Sedona, Arizona for my spring break with my daddy and my uncle Neil for a whole week at the Grand Canyon. I hope you all have had a great winter so far because I know I have because we actually got some snow! I will post a picture. Here is a picture o me and my little cousin Collin.


Go check this out you all and tell me what you all think of it please and thank you!
God Bless

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